If I want an animation to end with the music playing, it will take a long time
I used two music downloads from filmusic.io website because the music website is CC by 4.0 free music, which I quite like. Although I don't know if it's possible to publish the animated works on Newgrounds after finishing the animation (I tried to translate it to mean to upload the animation instead of uploading the music, but I translated for a long time), it's also possible that I might be lazy and only publish them on Bilibili
But after looking at the questions on Sascha Ende's FAQ, I don't think it will be put on the "unable to pass review" list by NG....
The music I downloaded
Song: Atemübungen by Sascha Ende - Use for Free Now - Filmmusic.io
Song: Star Citizen - Colossus by Sascha Ende - Use for Free Now - Filmmusic.io
Although I have noticed a problem, Lisa Sue's attack feels like it takes a long time to hit those monsters according to the rhythm of the music?
I can't make mistakes in Chinese, otherwise the translation will go astray
I said '个', that's "just".......or "individual"?or "one"?
I said '哥', that's brother